Using comfrey leaves to make a liquid feed is great, but the smell is not! I discovered that you can make a concentrated liquid without the smell by doing the following:

  • Take a length of plastic pipe, just wide enough to fit a 2L plastic drinks bottle inside.
  • Cover one end with a pair of old tights and secure with elastic bands.
  • Place this end in a bucket or ideally into a container with a lid that has a hole cut in it to fit your pipe.
  • Stuff comfrey leaves down the open end until the pipe is nearly full.
  • Fill your 2L plastic bottle with water and tie a length of string round the neck.
  • Push the filled bottle down the pipe to weight down the comfrey leaves.
  • Make sure you have the string hanging out to pull it back up again once the leaves have all mashed down.
  • What strains out through the tights is a concentrated liquid that you can then dilute to feed you plants.

Here’s a photo of my friend and compost queen, demonstrating the above.

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